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- The Linux Term HOWTO
- by Bill Reynolds, bill@goshawk.lanl.gov
- May 9, 1994
- 1. Introduction
- 1.1. About This Document
- This HOWTO attempts to clear up some of the confusion of using term,
- Michael O'Reilly's remarkable program that allows you to multiplex
- your serial line and set up an ersatz network connection. By and
- large, the documents that come with term are quite good, and this
- HOWTO is not intended to replace them. The intent of this document is
- to give some background on how term works and detail the steps in
- getting some of the more common networking services working under
- term. I should emphasize that this document doesn't cover everything
- there is to know about term. After reading it, you should read the
- term manpages, since they include information not contained here.
- 1.2. What is term?
- term is a program, written by Michael O'Reilly (michael@iinet.com.au),
- that is run over a serial line to allow multiple connections to
- operate concurrently - i.e. you can be downloading a file over your
- modem while working on a (different) remote system via the same modem
- connection. term can also be used to open up X client windows over a
- serial connection. Through the tredir utility, term can provide many
- of the ``traditional'' network services: mail, news, ftp, telnet, etc.
- In a sense, term is very much like other serial protocols such as SLIP
- or PPP. term 's advantage is that it can be run entirely from user
- space, requiring neither kernel support nor support from system or
- network administrators.
- 2. How term works
- 2.1. Nomenclature
- I'm assuming you're dialing up a system through some sort of terminal
- server. I use the terms ``local'' and ``remote'' to refer to the home
- and network connected systems respectively (unless I use them to mean
- something else :-).
- term provides the local machine, which has no network connection, but
- is connected via a serial line to a remote machine which is in turn
- connected to a network, with network services . Let's look at how a
- machine with a ``traditional'' network connection provides these
- services. First the user invokes a program, like ftp or telnet, that
- requests a network service. What these program do is make a system
- call requesting network services. The operating system then obtains
- these services via it's network interface (e.g. it sends and receives
- packets over the ethernet). SLIP and PPP do exactly this, by
- converting your modem line into a network interface, which is in
- principle no different from an ethernet. The downside of this is that
- these protocols make the modem-connected machine part of the network,
- just like any other machine. This entails all the administrative
- burdens associated with being a network node (more actually, since the
- modem link must also be administered).
- In the absence of a network connection like SLIP or PPP, what does one
- typically do? Well, you dial up your network connected machine, read
- your mail, your news etc, if you need a file, you first transfer it to
- the remote machine and then download it to your local machine using
- kermit or its ilk. This is a bit of a pain, especially since you can
- only really do one thing at a time that uses your modem link. The
- idea behind term is basically to automate and multiplex this process.
- term is invoked on both the local and remote machines, and the two
- processes communicate with one another over the modem line. When you
- need a network service, you make a request to the local term daemon,
- which forwards the request to the term daemon on the remote, network-
- connected, machine. The result is then returned over the modem line.
- To be more concrete, say you want to retrieve a file by ftp. First
- you need a version of ftp that can speak to term. You invoke this
- termftp as you do a regular ftp, say termftp nethost.gov, but this
- special version makes its network request to the local term daemon
- instead of the kernel. The local term forwards this request, over the
- modem line, to the remote term, which opens an ftp connection to
- nethost.gov, and transmits the data back over the modem link. term is
- smart enough to have many different things going on at once, so you
- can have several different network sessions using the same modem link,
- e.g. you can be logged into another distant host via termtelnet while
- the termftp transfer is going on.
- If this is too abstract (or unclear) don't worry, the important piece
- of information to get out of this section is that there are two copies
- of term running, one on each end of the modem link.
- 3. Setting Things Up
- 3.1. Build term
- Hopefully, this should just involve a make, if this doesn't work, you
- may have to do some hacking. Make sure that you've got the same
- version on all machines you want to run term on - different versions
- of term are incompatible. Seek out and destroy any old binaries on
- your system - or know how to avoid them.
- 3.2. Test term
- Do a make test to build term's test daemon. Test works by running two
- copies of term on your system, a ``local'' and a ``remote'' copy. Both
- of these will read your termrc, so you can adjust their behaviour.
- Run test as ./test so as to avoid your system's test. You should now
- be able to do a trsh and a tupload (try
- tupload ./term /usr/tmp - you should get a copy of the term binary
- in /usr/tmp ). The local term's output should show up in local.log,
- the remote's in remote.log. You can start term up with a -d255 flag
- to enable debugging output to be written to these files, or enable
- debugging in your termrc.
- 3.3. Make a Transparent Link
- Presumably, you can establish a modem connection between your local
- and remote hosts. Typically, your dialing into some kind of terminal
- server and connecting to your remote host from there. You are also
- using some kind of terminal software, such as kermit or seyon to talk
- to your modem (the examples in this document will use kermit, since
- that is what its author uses). If you're having trouble with your
- modem, or your terminal software, take a look at the Serial HOWTO,
- that should help you out.
- Having established your link, you want to make it as transparent as
- possible. Check the commands on the terminal server (help or ? will
- usually get you started). Go for the 8 bit options whenever possible.
- This may mean changing the way you log in to a system, e.g. if the
- server uses rlogin, you may have to use it and give it the -8 flag to
- make it transparent. Especially watch out for xon/xoff flow control,
- you don't want that, try to enable rts/cts (hardware) flow control.
- You may need to check your modem docs to learn how to configure it to
- do 8-bit rts/cts communications.
- 3.4. Run linecheck
- linecheck is program that is supplied that with term that checks the
- transparency of a link, providing configuration information that term
- needs to run correctly. linecheck will send each of the 255 possible
- eight bit characters over the link and verify that each was
- transmitted successfully. term needs to be configured to deal with
- characters that cannot be transmitted over the link, and linecheck
- determines what characters these are. You use linecheck after you've
- established as transparent a modem link as possible. To run linecheck,
- do the following
- 1. On the remote system, run linecheck linecheck.log.
- 2. Suspend your comm program (^Z under kermit) (otherwise it will
- steal characters from linecheck).
- 3. On the local system run linecheck linecheck.log > /dev/modem <
- /dev/modem.
- When linecheck is done, you'll find a set of numbers at the bottom of
- the linecheck.log files. These should be escaped in the termrc at the
- other end of the link. For example, on my system, my local
- linecheck.log said nothing and my remote linecheck.log said to escape
- 29 and 157. Therefore, my local termrc escapes these characters and
- my remote termrc escapes nothing. If I escape a character on one end,
- I have to also ignore it on the other, so, in this example, I'll have
- to ignore 29 and 157 on my remote system.
- If linecheck hangs, try using
- linecheck linecheck.log 17 19 > /dev/modem < /dev/modem
- this will escape your xon/xoff (flow control) characters, which will
- hang your line if you've got software flow control. If this solves the
- hanging problems, you'll want to escape /ignore 17/19 in both
- termrc's. If your terminal server has other demonic characters that
- will shut it down, try running linecheck with those characters
- escaped, as above. You can spot these characters if linecheck hangs.
- If this is the case, kill it, then look in the logfiles. The last
- characters transmitted are likely to be the culprits. Try it again
- with these characters escaped.
- In summary, my local termrc has the lines
- escape 29
- escape 157
- and my remote termrc has the lines
- ignore 29
- ignore 157
- since my remote linecheck.log said to escape 29 and 157.
- 3.5. Try Running term
- Log into the remote system, making the link as transparent as possible
- (if you haven't already). Fire up term on the remote end. I use the
- following:
- exec term -l $HOME/tlog -s 38400 -c off -w 10 -t 150.
- Let's run down each option one by one (note that I could just as
- easily have put these options in my termrc. I did it this way because
- it saves editing a file while getting term set up).
- exec means to destroy your current shell, running the given program in
- its place. I exec things because I don't intend to use my login shell
- again, so it's just wasting memory. If you're debugging the link and
- can reliably kill the remote term, you might not want to do an exec.
- -l $HOME/tlog. This logs errors to the file tlog in my home directory.
- Very useful for debugging. No reason not to do this.
- -s 38400 : I've got a 14400 baud modem, with compression. For optimal
- compression ratios, I want to be able to push bits down the pipe as
- fast as possible. For a slower modem, you should use something lower.
- Note that if you have a slower machine with 16450 uart on your serial
- port, high baudrates can cause data loss by overloading the chip on
- your serial port. term will recover from this, but if you see a lot of
- error messages in your log file, (or get overrun warnings from linux
- kernel versions 0.99pl15 and up) you again might want to lower this
- number.
- -c off : This turns data compression off. I've got a compressing
- modem, and I don't want to compress things twice.
- -w 10 -t 150 : Again, these are options to optimize my fast modem
- link. I have set my window to 10 and my timeout to 150. This is per
- the recommendation in the term_setup man page.
- Suspend your comm program (^Z under kermit). You don't want it running
- while term is running, because it will fight with term over the serial
- port. If you can convince your modem to not hang up when you exit your
- comm program (when it toggles DTR), you could just exit the program at
- this point.
- Now run term locally. I use:
- term -r -c off -l $HOME/tlog -s 38400 -w 10 -t 150 \ < /dev/modem >
- /dev/modem &
- The only option here that is different from the other end is the -r
- option. You need this on one end, otherwise term clients will
- spontaneously die on you. I need to tell term where the modem is, so I
- point both standard input and output at /dev/modem (that's what the <
- and > do). I also run it in the background, so I can use this screen
- for something else if I want to.
- term should work now :-). Try a trsh, and see what happens. If you
- hang, or your link seems slow, take a look at your tlog on each end.
- Are you getting timeouts or error messages? If so, then you've
- configured something incorrectly. Try again (after you've finished
- reading this :-). Note that the connection won't seem blazingly fast,
- especially if you're using compression - it will be a little jumpy.
- The real speed comes in during file transfer and the like.
- 3.6. Gotchas to Watch Out For
- Are you running the right binary? term has been updated quite a lot,
- and many systems have different versions of the programs floating
- around. Make sure you're using the right version. Note that this
- applies to linecheck too. You can use bash's type -a or the whereis
- command to find which program is being run. term versions after 1.11
- should print out their version number when they start up. (Although
- version 1.14 claims to be 1.12. Sigh.)
- Do you have the right termrc? Is it called $HOME/.term/termrc? Some
- systems have pre-installed termrc's, make sure they're gone before you
- set things up. If you're running things as root, lookout for /.term.
- term creates files (sockets actually) while it's running, so it has
- its own directory, $HOME/.term, where the file termrc goes (note,
- there is no leading dot in termrc!).
- Once you've got term running, you might want to try to get things
- optimized. A good way to measure the speed of your link is to run tmon
- in one window while up/downloading a file in another. Try both (big)
- text files and compressed files, the plain text should go a factor of
- two-ish faster than the compressed files. The parameters you want to
- fiddle with are compression (-c), windows (-w) and timeout (-t).
- Compression you want this on if you don't have a compressing modem.
- If you do have such a modem, turn compression off, otherwise you'll be
- compressing things twice, which typically increasesthe amount of data
- transmitted. Compressing modems are ones that use the MNP-5 or V42.bis
- protocols. Check your modem documentation and the message when your
- modem connects.
- Windows this is the number of chunks of data, or packets, that term
- will let go over the line before it gets an acknowledgment (or ack)
- from the remote term. For fast modems, increasing this can be a win,
- for slower links this can overwhelm the remote end.
- Timeout the time term will wait for an ack. If you've increased
- windows, and you're getting timeouts in your logfile, try increasing
- this.
- For 14400/V42.bis, I use -c off -w 10 -t 150. I typically get around
- 1700 cps on compressed files and 3500 cps on ascii files using
- tupload.
- 4. term clients
- term provides several default clients. They include trsh, tmon,
- tupload, tredir and txconn. This section will deal with the first
- three. The others each have their own section. No term client will
- work until you have established a term link.
- tmon is a simple utility to monitor the statistics of your link. It
- prints a time histogram of characters transmitted and received. It is
- invoked simply as tmon. Since around version 1.11, tmon has had a bug
- that causes some information to be garbled. Send me mail if you'd like
- a patch to fix this.
- trsh is similar to rsh. Without arguments, it spawns an interactive
- shell on the remote system (i.e. it logs you in). trsh is one of the
- primary means of accessing the remote end of the link via term. If
- given an argument, trsh executes that argument as a command on the
- remote system. For example trsh ls would give you a listing of the
- files in your home directory on the remote system.
- tupload is the term 's basic file transfer program. It will transfer a
- file, given as it's first argument, to the opposite end of the link.
- By default, the files will be put in the same directory that you
- invoked term from on the other side. To put files in another
- directory, give it's name as a second argument to tupload. For
- example, if I want to put a copy of the file term114.tar.gz in
- /usr/tmp on the remote system, I would type tupload term114.tar.gz
- /usr/tmp. There is no client to do a download - to download files,
- trsh to the remote system and do a tupload.
- 4.1. Other term Clients
- There are now a number of programs that have been modified to work
- with term, they include telnet, ftp. Mosaic and many others. They can
- be found on sunsite.unc.edu in /pub/Linux/apps/comm/termstuff.
- 5. X and term
- term allows users to open up X windows on the local machine from
- clients that are running on a machine on the network. This is done by
- using the txconn client. txconn is executed on the remote, network-
- connected machine, it is invoked simply as txconn. It goes into the
- background and returns a number on the standard output, this number is
- the display number that clients should use to access the X server on
- the local machine. An example should make this clear. I am logged in,
- via trsh, to my remote term host, named foo. On foo, I do the
- following
- foo$ txconn
- Xconn bound to screen 10
- :10
- foo$
- Now, on any host that I wish to run an X client, that is to display on
- my local machine's X server, I do setenv DISPLAY foo:10. Now when I
- start the client, it will try to connect to screen 10 on machine foo,
- but txconn is listening to this screen, and will forward all X
- protocol packets via term to the X server on the local host - i.e. the
- window will open up on your local machine.
- It is possible to go the other way - run a client on your local
- machine and have it open up a window on a remote machine on the
- network, however we will defer explaining this until after we have
- discussed tredir.
- txconn is not terribly secure, anyone can connect to your local server
- via term and perform all sorts of mischief. If you're worried about
- this sort of thing, it might be a good idea to consider using xauth to
- authorize your connections. Consult the xauth man page.
- The X protocol is not very efficient, it wastes some bandwidth. This
- is usually not a problem over an ethernet, but can be murder over a
- modem. X11R6 is supposed to introduce a low bandwidth version of the X
- protocol, LBX. However, this is not of much use, since R6 has not been
- released at the time of this writing. There is a utility named sxpc
- which compresses the X protocol, improving response over serial lines.
- sxpc includes a writeup on how to get it working with term, and is
- recommended. You can get sxpc from ftp.x.org in /contrib. The sxpc
- package also explains how to use xauth, so it is doubly recommended.
- 6. tredir
- tredir is one of term's most powerful utilities, allowing most
- important network services to be performed over a term link. Before we
- explain how to use tredir, it is necessary to give some background on
- network services. We've talked about network services before, but we
- haven't said exactly what they are. Services are just that - services
- that are provided by the network. Examples of services include telnet,
- which provides logins between machines, the File Transfer Protocol,
- ftp, which transfers files between machines, and smtp, the Simple Mail
- Transfer Protocol, which is used whenever you send electronic mail.
- Each network service has a port number associated with it. The
- mapping of port numbers to services is given in the file
- /etc/services. This file should be the same on all internet-connected
- machines.
- How are these services invoked? Each networked machine runs a daemon
- called inetd, which listens for attempts to connect to the network
- ports. These requests can come from either the network or the local
- machine. A network service is obtained by connecting to a particular
- inetd port. When a network request is made, inetd knows exactly which
- service is involved by the port number that request is made on. If
- inetd is configured to do so, it then provides the relevant service to
- the requesting connection. inetd's configuration is given by the file
- /etc/inetd.conf, which has a list of the services that inetd provides.
- For more information, see the man pages for inetd and inetd.conf.
- You can communicate directly with network services by using telnet
- (n.b. not termtelnet). For example, to talk to the sendmail, (or smtp)
- daemon on machine machine_name, you can do a telnet machine_name smtp,
- or telnet machine_name 25, (since 25 is the number assigned to smtp in
- /etc/services). You should get a polite greeting from the daemon on
- the remote machine. This is a very useful trick for debugging network
- problems and checking ports redirected with tredir (see below).
- tredir works very much like inetd. It runs in the background as a
- daemon, listening to the network ports, waiting for a request. When a
- request for a service is made, instead of providing that service, as
- inetd does, tredir forwards the request over the term link to the
- remote term, which makes the request over the network, returning the
- result back over the link to the local client. tredir can forward the
- request to any machine on the network, but by default sends it to the
- machine on the other end of the term link. tredir ``redirects''
- network services over the term link (hence the name ``tredir'').
- An example should make this clear. Let's redirect a local port to the
- telnet port on the remote machine. To do this we would do tredir 2023
- 23. Now, anyone who connects to port 2023 on the local machine will
- be redirected to port 23 (telnet) on the remote machine. Here's an
- example session, the local machine is mymachine.modem.home and the
- remote machine is netsun.
- $ tredir 2023 23
- Redirecting 2023 to 23
- $ telnet localhost 2023
- Trying
- Connected to mymachine.modem.home
- Escape character is '^]'.
- SunOS UNIX (netsun)
- login:
- This example is actually quite useful. If I were instead to do the
- tredir on netsun, I could then telnet in to mymachine from the
- network, simply by connecting to the redirected port on the networked
- machine (using telnet) - i.e. telnet netsun 2023.
- The general principle in using tredir is to redirect the desired
- service to a machine on the network. Our next example will allow us to
- read news on the local machine over our term link from a news server
- on the network. News is provided by the nntp service, port number 119.
- All decent newsreaders allow you to specify what port number they will
- use, either via a configuration file or an environment variable. Let's
- specify this local port to be 2119. Now, let's say that our news
- server is news.domain.org. We will redirect port 2119 to port 119 on
- news.domain.org, we will then tell our news reading software that the
- nntp server is located at port 2119 on the local host. Since this will
- depend on the news reader that you use, I will just test the link with
- telnet instead of firing up a newsreader:
- $ tredir 2119 news.domain.org:119
- Redirecting 2119 to news.domain.org:119
- $ telnet localhost 2119
- Trying
- Connected to mymachine.modem.home.
- Escape character is '^]'.
- 200 news.domain.org InterNetNews NNRP server INN 1.4 07-Dec-41 ready
- (posting ok).
- If you can get this far, all you have to do is configure your news
- reader to be able to read news via term. (n.b., if you read news like
- this, be sure that in all your posts you set a Reply-To: header to an
- network email address that you can be reached at, otherwise people who
- want to get in touch with you will be sending mail to whatever (wrong)
- data your newsreader puts in the From: header).
- 6.1. tredir can bite!
- The astute reader, after reading the last example will be wondering
- why port 2119 was redirected to port 119 - since newsreaders default
- to port 119, why couldn't I do a tredir 119 news.domain.org:119 and
- skip the newsreader configuration? The answer is that all ports
- numbered less than 1024 are ``reserved ports'', and only the superuser
- can listen on them. If one is willing to take a security risk and make
- tredir an suid program, or run tredir as root, then one can redirect
- reserve ports and avoid the hassle of renaming services.
- Another problem with using reserved ports is that inetd is often
- already listening to these ports, and only one program at time can
- listen to a port. In order to use such a port, you must change
- inetd.conf so that inetd no longer listens on the port you want to
- redirect. This is most easily done by commenting out the line with the
- offending service by putting a # character at the beginning of the
- line. The superuser must then send inetd a HUP signal to get it to
- reread its configuration.
- All of the services we've been discussing so far are TCP (Transmission
- Control Protocol) services - TCP is just a protocol for sending
- packets (data) over a net. term only works with TCP packets. There
- are other network protocols, such as UDP (the User Datagram Protocol)
- that are used for things like network file systems, that term cannot
- handle. If you need to obtain a UDP service, like NFS, over a term
- link, you are out of luck. In this case, it would behoove you to
- consider PPP or SLIP.
- 6.2. Stupid tredir tricks
- In this section we will describe some of the more common uses for
- tredir. We have already described how to redirect nntp and telnet
- services, here we will give some more complicated examples.
- 6.2.1. X windows
- In a previous section, we described how to get an X client running on
- the network to open a window on your home machine using txconn. The
- same technique could be used on your home machine to display a client
- on the machine at the remote end of your term link. But how does one
- display an X client on a network machine that is not the remote end?
- The answer lies in knowing that X uses a particular network service
- just like the other programs we've been discussing. An X server
- listens for network request on a port whose number is given by the
- formula port = 6000 + display number, e.g. an X server managing
- screen 0 on a machine would listen to port 6000, if it were managing
- screen 2, it would listen on port 6002. When you set your DISPLAY
- environment variable to xmachine:n, your X clients will try to connect
- to port 6000 +n on xmachine.
- We can use this to trick X clients on your local machine to open up
- windows on remote displays. Let's say I want to open up an xterm,
- running on my local machine, on display 0 of machine xmachine, which
- is running someplace on the network. I first pick a local display
- number, say 2 (don't use 0, since that's what your local X server will
- be using). I will map this display to display 0 on xmachine. In terms
- of ports, this means I want to redirect the local port 6002 to the
- remote port 6000. I do the following
- $ tredir 6002 xmachine:6000
- $ setenv DISPLAY localhost:2
- $ xterm
- This should open up an xterm on machine xmachine. Note that I set the
- DISPLAY to localhost:2. This is because X clients will sometimes use
- unix domain sockets instead of internet domain sockets, at their own
- option, when connecting to a local display, if DISPLAY is set to :2.
- localhost:2 says to use a tcp connection.
- Note that as far as xmachine is concerned, the X request is coming
- from the machine on the remote end of your term link (remotemachine) -
- so if you need to authorize the connection, you should either do an
- xhost + remotemachine on xmachine or use xauth to update the
- .Xauthority file on your local machine for display number 2, using the
- key from xmachine.
- Again, to speed up X connections, you can use the program sxpc, which
- includes an explanation of how to use tredir to establish the link and
- authorize it using xauth.
- 6.2.2. Mail with term
- Well, you asked for it. Electronic mail has the justifiable reputation
- of being one of the most difficult things to get working right on a
- UNIX system. To really get term working correctly with mail means that
- you have to understand how mail works, which is beyond the scope of
- this document. To learn more about mail, you should consult a book on
- UNIX system administration and/or the comp.mail.misc FAQ, available
- for anonymous ftp on rtfm.mit.edu in pub/usenet/comp.mail.misc. There
- are also currently two packages available for anonymous ftp on
- sunsite.unc.edu that will help you get mail running under term - they
- are term.mailerd+smail by Byron A. Jeff and the BCRMailHandlerXXX by
- Bill C. Riemers.
- That being said, we'll give a thumbnail description of how mail works.
- There are two parts to getting mail running, sending messages and
- receiving messages. We'll begin with sending messages from your local
- box to the network.
- There are two classes of mail programs. The first is the mail user
- agent (MUA). MUA's help you read, compose and send messages. Examples
- of MUA's are elm, pine, Mail and vm. MUA's don't really do any
- networking, they just put the messages together - the real work of
- sending mail is done by the second class of mail programs, the mail
- transfer agents (MTA's). These are invoked by the MUA's. They take the
- message, decide where to send it by looking at the address, and then
- actually deliver it over the network.
- The two most common MTA's on Linux systems are sendmail and smail. The
- basic idea is to get your MTA to connect to another MTA running on a
- machine on the net that will know what to do with your message. This
- is done by redirecting a local port to the smtp port on the net
- machine. You then have to tell you MTA to take any message it doesn't
- know what to do with and send it out over the redirected port on your
- local machine to the MTA on the remote machine, which will then route
- your message to its correct destination.
- How do we do this using smail? We first redirect a port to the smtp
- port on the network mail machine (mailhost):
- tredir XXXX mailhost:25
- here XXXX is the port number that the smail on the localhost will
- connect to (note that I have to give this port a name in my
- /etc/services to get smail to recognize it). smail has several
- configuration files that usually live in /usr/local/lib/smail. The
- ones we care about are config, routers and transports. Note that I'm
- assuming you've already got smail configured correctly for local mail
- - delivery to files and pipes and such. Again, consult the
- documentation if you don't.
- In the file config, we put the following definition:
- smart_path=localhost
- localhost is the machine that that smail connects to when it doesn't
- know what to do with a message.
- In routers we put
- smart_host:
- driver=smarthost,
- transport=termsmtp;
- path = localhost
- In transports we put
- termsmtp: driver=tcpsmtp,
- inet,
- return_path,
- remove_header="From",
- append_header="From: YOUR_NET_ADDRESS",
- -received,
- -max_addrs, -max_chars;
- In the above, the header lines change the From header in all your
- outgoing mail to the address, YOUR_NET_ADDRESS, which is the network
- address you want mail for sent. If more than one user is going to be
- using your term link, you'll have to do something more fancy, like
- keep a database of local user's network addresses and insert these in
- the From: headers.
- The service line is the name of the local portnumber that you've
- redirected to the smtp port on the network connected machine. On my
- version of smail, I can't just set this to a number, I have to set it
- to a name, like ``foo'', and then define ``foo'' in my /etc/services
- to be the number of my redirected port. If you use an suid tredir and
- just redirect the smtp port (25), you don't need to define this.
- This should be enough to get you going. If you decide to use sendmail,
- the principles are the same but the details differ. Ronald Florence
- (ron@mlfarm.com) tells me tells me that the stock Sun sendmail won't
- send multiple queued messages over a redirected port; BSD sendmail
- 8.6.9 works fine. He made the following changes to sendmail.cf to get
- it working with term. In his case, the default sendmail port (25) is
- used for SMTP traffic over a local ethernet, so Internet mail is
- forwarded to a redirected TCP port.
- #
- #Create the termsmtp mailer, which sends mail via a re-directed TCP port
- #
- Mtermsmtp,P=[TCP], F=mDFMuCXe, S=22, R=22, A=TCP $h PORTNUMBER
- Here, PORTNUMBER is the number of the redirected port on the local
- machine. This should be an unused port over 2000. We next tell
- sendmail to which machine to connect to, and set termsmtp as the
- default mailer.
- #
- # major relay mailer
- #
- DMtermsmtp
- #
- # major relay host: use the $M mailer to send mail to other domains
- #
- Here HOSTNAME is the name of your local host (does localhost work?).
- The last entry goes under Rule 0 to forward Internet mail.
- # Pass other valid names up the ladder to our forwarder
- R$*<@$*.$+>$* $#$M $@$R $:$1<@$2.$3>$4 user@any.domain
- When the term connection is established to the Internet host, run the
- following commands on the local machine.
- tredir PORTNUMBER internet.host:25
- /usr/lib/sendmail -q
- We now turn to receiving electronic mail using term. We'll assume that
- mail is sent to your account on the network machine mailhost. The
- simplest solution is to just use trsh or termtelnet to log on to
- mailhost and read your mail on there. However, it is also possible to
- have your mail automatically downloaded to your local machine. One way
- to do this is to use the Post Office Protocol, (POP). POP was
- designed for exactly this purpose: to deliver mail to machines that
- have intermittent network connections. To use POP, you must have a POP
- server installed on mailhost. Assuming that you do, you can then use a
- POP client to download your mail every few minutes. This is done, as
- you might expect, using tredir. The POP service is 110 (n.b. that
- there is an older protocol, POP-2, which uses port 109, in this
- document we describe POP-3, which is the latest version of POP). There
- are several POP clients available. One, written using the script
- language perl is pop-perl-1.X, written by William Perry and maintained
- by myself - it can be found on sunsite in /pub/Linux/system/Mail.
- To use POP, you redirect a local port to port 110 on mailhost and
- configure your client to retrieve your mail from localhost using the
- local port. As an example, we'll assume that there is a POP server
- running on mailhost. We'll redirect the local port 2110, and fire up
- the pop-perl client:
- $ tredir 2110 mailhost:110
- Redirecting 2110 to mailhost:110
- $ pop
- Username: bill
- Password: <enter your password for mailhost>
- Pop Host: localhost
- Pop Port: 2110
- Starting popmail daemon for bill
- If you do not have a POP server available, the BCRMailHandler package
- has a program to download your mail over a term link to your local
- machine. I have not used it, but anyone who has is welcome to comment.
- 7. Automating Things
- Now that you know how to get all of your network services over term,
- it would be nice to set things up so your link is set up and
- configured automatically. There are basically an infinite number of
- ways of doing this, depending on what comm program you use and how you
- log in to your remote system.
- One program, that I haven't used, but I've heard is quite nice, is
- fet: a front end for term. It is designed to log you into a remote
- system and fire up term and all your tredir's. Any comments on fet
- would be most welcome.
- I'll now give an example of a set of commands that use kermit to log
- into the remote system and then performs all of the term
- initializations. Obviously, if you use these examples, you will have
- to modify them for your own login procedures.
- The command which is actually invoked is the shell script knet, given
- by:
- #!/bin/sh
- /usr/bin/kermit -y $HOME/.kerm_term > $HOME/klog < /dev/null 2>& 1
- exec $HOME/bin/tstart >> $HOME/klog 2>& 1
- The script .kerm_term is given by:
- pause 2
- # The number you want to dial
- output atdtXXXXXXX \13
- # Login to the terminal server
- input 145 {name: }
- output MYNAME \13
- input 3 {word: }
- output MYPASSWORD \13
- input 5 {xyplex>}
- # Make the line transparent
- output term telnet-t \13
- output term stopb 1 \13
- # Connect to the remote host
- output telnet remotehost.somedomain.org \13
- input 10 {ogin: }
- output MYOTHERNAME \13
- input 3 word:
- pause 5
- # Fire up term on the remote host
- output exec term -s 38400 -l $HOME/tlog -w 10 -t 150 \13
- # Suspend kermit
- !killall -STOP kermit
- and finally, the script tstart which fires up the local term and its
- clients is given by
- #!/bin/sh
- #
- # Fire up term
- #
- /usr/local/bin/term -l $HOME/tlog -s 38400 -r -w 10 -t 150 < /dev/modem > /dev/modem &
- #
- # Let it get going
- #
- sleep 3
- #
- # This lets mail get out, can read news here, can pick up my mail here
- #
- /usr/local/bin/tredir 2025 25 2119 newshost:119 2110 pophost:110
- #
- # So I can open up Xwindows here
- #
- /usr/local/bin/trsh -s txconn
- #
- # So I will receive mail....
- #
- /usr/local/bin/pop
- #
- # Clean out the queue, in case of boo-boos
- #
- /usr/bin/runq
- #
- # Done now
- #
- echo ^G^G > /dev/console
- As I said, there are zillions of ways to do this, these are just meant
- as examples to get you started.
- 8. Other Stuff
- I would like future versions of this HOWTO to include some more stuff,
- however I've run out of gas for the time being (maybe next month). Any
- help would be greatly appreciated. Some things that might be nice
- include,
- o A complete list of term clients.
- o How to port a client to term
- o Other versions of term : Olaf Titz's patches, the term+share
- package. Any others?
- o Suggestions.
- Anyways, if you have comments, criticisms, suggestions, or anything
- else to say about this document, please fire away. I'm Bill Reynolds
- and can (currently) be reached at bill@goshawk.lanl.gov.
- 9. Acks
- Thanks go to a lot of people. First and foremost to Michael O'Reilly
- and all the developers of term, who have provided us with such a great
- tool. I would also like to thanks everyone who gave feedback and
- contributed to this HOWTO, they include Ronald Florence, Tom Payerle,
- Bill C. Riemers, Hugh Secker-Walker, Matt Welsh and everybody whose
- mail I've accidently deleted or forgotten to mention.